Two Weeks Pregnant, 8 Dos and Don’ts for a Healthy Baby
Two Weeks Pregnant, 8 Dos and Don’ts for a Healthy Baby
two weeks pregnant means most of the early pregnancy symptoms are now more
visible than they were in your first week. As expecting mother, it is about
time you take full responsibility and think more about your unborn baby's
health and you.
you are now aware you are two weeks pregnant, I expect you would have seen your
doctor and the prenatal programme commenced. What is next is to know what to do
and what not to do to keep your baby absolutely healthy as you walk through the
next 38 or more weeks of the gestation period.
What to do
Keep all appointments with your obstetrician
is the time to get use to it; see your doctor regularly and follow necessary
prescriptions and advice. Every pregnancy is peculiar and your doctor will
follow up on your own peculiarity.
It’s time to eat well
pregnant means you need to eat well; by this am talking about eating healthy
hygienically prepared foods and balanced diet. Depending on your situation,
your doctor should be able to prescribe certain foods to take and in
recommended and balanced quantity.
is important to note, that you need to get enough and quality vitamins,
mineral, and all enriching nutrients from your food rather than depending on
supplements. So the kind of food you eat matters at this stage of your
Regular supplements intake
will take pregnancy vitamin supplements as backups only to support your good
food habit during pregnancy.
supplements will help you take care of any inadequacy in your diets; especially
at such times when pregnancy symptoms won't allow you eat well.
Do regular non stressful exercises
keeps you in shape, gives you strength and stamina to cope with pregnancy, especially
as the weeks count. Exercises also help keep your psyche up and alert so you
are mentally prepared.
your obstetrician for recommended exercises that are safe for you.
Get lots of rest
of the pregnancy symptoms make you tired easily, especially when you are two
weeks pregnant. This is so because of the rapid development taking place and
increase in your hormones level.
you need at this time is lots of rest. Resting helps restore and conserve your
energy for your body to cope with your baby's development. Make sure you are
relaxed and sleep any time it comes.
What not to do
Abstain from alcohol
are two weeks pregnant and your symptoms will increase as the pregnancy
hormones increase; because alcohol intake rapidly gets to your baby via your
blood stream and placenta this might make your baby unsafe and also your
symptoms aggravated.
Stop or reduce consumption of caffeine
the sake of your baby, you need to follow medical advice regarding intake of
any kind of stimulants - coffee, tea, cola, energy drinks etc.
have shown that too much caffeine may cause miscarriage and can cause
low-birth-weight. It is good to get safe consumption advice of any stimulant
during pregnancy from your doctor.
Do not smoke at all
risk miscarriage, premature birth, and low birth weight among other serious
consequences of smoking. It’s better to be safe than having short social habit
met and endanger your baby's life and yours.
of your pregnancy can be more complicated with smoking, for instance your
morning sickness may get worse than normal.
these tips for a healthy pregnancy would help you all the way to safe delivery
of a healthy bouncing baby, especially now that you are two weeks pregnant.
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