
Showing posts from August, 2020

8 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms | Everything You Need to Know

If you are pregnant at week 8 , you have nothing to protect you from morning sickness, but you can feel the movement of the fetus. If you are one of the many pregnant women experiencing morning sickness, you can get nausea the first time you miss your period. You may also feel the movement of your developing fetus for the first time during your first week of pregnancy or even longer.     At 8 weeks pregnant, your womb is about the size of a lemon, but too small to show, and you will want to avoid tight pants from now on. If you are pregnant at week 8, you may find that your tolerance for exercise is not as high as it is normally. The effects of pregnancy are already felt in the first week of pregnancy and even longer. From the eighth week of pregnancy, the bump starts to grow and the body causes discomfort and pain. 8 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms     The size of your 8-week pregnancy does not matter as long as you take care of it, because everyone is gaining wei...

7 Weeks Pregnant | Everything You Need to Know

7 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms     If you are expecting a growing baby, here's everything you need to know in the early stages of pregnancy. Morning sickness, daytime and night sickness are common physical ailments during pregnancy, even if you are lucky not to experience them. Morning sickness is one of the most common symptoms during the first few weeks of pregnancy and can persist for a while.     It typically shows up in the sixth or seventh week and in some cases can last until the 16th week, but hopefully it will dissolve soon after in the second trimester. This is usually followed by a timeline similar to morning sickness, but often longer. It usually starts in the seventh or eighth week and lasts from one and a half to one month, but can last up to two weeks.     It is possible that this could be a difficult week in terms of pregnancy symptoms, but don't worry if you don't feel able to. Remember that it is just as normal to have many sympt...